- 23/06/2017
- Posted by: Unika
- Category: All, SEO / Social Media

How to Boost Sales & Increase website Conversion Rate Optimization ?
You have traffic coming to your website. But why should everyone buy ?
The solution in Conversion rate Optimization. But how you could do that? Now lot of people said that you need to look at your analytics. Google analytics looks after your home page to your next page to your last page to your checkup page etc.
Where is the drop of that should be improved ?
You could do that but start with Conversion rate Optimization you need to know first what the tricks or change to maximize your conversion on sales.
STEP 1 – Get feedback from Individual Visitor & Analysis
So firstly you have to startup with Qualitative data. Qualitative data is feedback from individuals. Google analytics show you that very much. You need feedback from people to figure out why they are not buying. When people coming to your website so why they are leaving ? And you get this information by popping up a survey. You can use the two tools QUALAROO or SURVEY MONKEY.
First in QUALAROO if someone spending 30 or 40 second or a minute on your webpage, you can ask them a question. You can get 30,40 or 50 response on a time. May be the first response is not OK,but you can’t make any decision on 1 or 2 feed backs. You need to be patient and wait for more feedback. When you have 30+ responses to change the website then make a common objection among them. Like as someone responses that they are not buying eCommerce because you not offer free shipping. Maybe you can increase the value of your product but offer a free shipping.
STEP 2 – Heat Map Analysis
Secondly you can install an app called CRAZYEgg. It has a map analytics and its visualizes the people engage on your website. It shows you the mass recordings like where it is gaining or whether it is started or where they are clicking on. Sometimes they clicking on dead-links or images that re not opened. Or sometimes they are scrolling on webpages that is down enough,that can not make any sense. The crazyegg show you all of that.
So once you take the qualitative data that you get from survey and the data from carzyegg and you can see issues that people may have.From there you have an idea what you have potentiality has.When you get all the data you can test on OPTIMIZELY to prove you previous tests. The key is 1/3 better and that you can start with Conversion Optimization.